COVID-19 Policy
Due to the evolving conditions of the pandemic, below you will find our updated COVID-19 policies in order to keep our members and their families safe and healthy.
Masks must be worn by members upon entering the building and while walking about the room or using the restrooms. They do not need to wear a mask while seated if vaccinated.
Unfortunately, family and visitors are not currently permitted to enter the building. We would appreciate it if families would wear a mask at the door.
We will be hand sanitizing upon entry to the building, and at lunch. Please let us know if this is an issue.
Staff must wear masks at all times throughout the day.
We will be screening all members prior to entering the building for any Covid symptoms. This includes recent diarrhea, congestion, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough or general feeling of illness.
If a member has symptoms they will not be able to attend the program that day. Our nurses and the family will agree upon a plan for return to the facility.
Please be sure you are checking for any signs of illness in the morning prior to your loved ones getting on the vans. The driver will be asking for any symptoms. As always, masks are required on the van at all times. Once the van members arrive they will be screened by the nurse before entering the building.
Please let us know of any potential exposures at home. The nurse will guide you on our protocol should the situation arise.
We will communicate any potential exposures at the program to you immediately.